


特定非営利活動法人 Mission Grace 代表

■ミッショングレース代表の永原秀樹氏は、2001年9月、グレースイングリッシュスクールを設立いたしました。 その折、西アフリカ(シエラレオネ共和国)より英会話教師としてサムエル カマラ氏を教師として採用しました。 2002年2月には彼の家族である妻のイエノ、長男プロビデンス(当時4歳)、次男タドゥバ(当時2歳)も来日しました。 永原氏は日本で約3年間彼らと共に働く機会を得ました。その中で彼らの祖国の悲惨な状況を知りました。 10年以上も続いた内戦で学校、病院などはすべて破壊され、彼ら自身も家を焼かれ鉄砲の弾が飛びかう中 子供を抱えて必死の思い出逃げた経験がありました。 そんな過去を持つ彼らですが、日本に来ることができた事を心から感謝し、未来に明るい希望を持ち頑張る姿は 人々の心を打ちました。サムエル氏、イエノ氏の暖かく誠実な人柄にひかれて、たくさんの方が友達になりました。

<Why we establish NPO MIssion Grace>
Hideki Nagahara, the representative of Mission Grace, established Grace English School in September 2001. We invited Samuel Kamala as our English teacher from West Africa (Republic of Sierra Leone). In February 2002, his wife Yeanoh, eldest son Providence (4 years old), and second son Taduba (2 years old) came to Japan. Mr. Nagahara and his wife Kayoko worked with them about three years. Through them Hideki and Kayoko were getting to know about their dire situation in Sierra Leone.
Schools and hospitals were all destroyed in the civil war.  The war has been continuing for more than 10 years. They had to escape with their bare life, while their houses were burned down by riots and bullets were flying around them.
In spite of  these bad memories, they were full of hopes and be grateful for living in Japan. People around them were impressed by their devoted work, honest heart, friendliness and positive character. Many people became friends with them because of their warm and sincere personalities.
Mr. Samuel and his family returned to Sierra Leone in June 2004.
Mission Race, was established in July 2004 by their close friends.
The purpose of the organization is to provide the needs of people in Sierra Leone.
Specially, our aim is to provide education for children in need by establishing a school for them.